
Showing posts with the label EPL

40 ideas for Exercises of Practical Life (EPL)

Write just the names of as many EPL as possible (that you think a child can do) and which are not mentioned in the book. (Module 2: Exercises of Practical Life) Ans. Some of the EPL I think children of age 3-6 can be trained to perform are as follows: Asking respectfully who is on the door. Unlocking and locking door. Bringing guests inside the house and asking them to sit in guest room appropriately. Holding feeder for baby brother or sister. Use of fork. Peeling skin of boiled potatoes Meshing potatoes Sorting green and dry leaves of green vegetables e.g. mint or coriander leaves, arranging them for momma to chop. E.g. spinach. Putting sugar in tea or coffee and mixing it. Taking out ice cubes from ice tray Taking out ice cubes from ice tray Making instant juices e.g. Tang / Rooh afza with proper proportion of sugar, ice and juice itself. Preparing lemonade. Preparing fresh citric fruits juice by squeezing citric fruits in citric presser. Setting the bed, tidying the bedsheet before

EPL (Formal setting of a table), (Making a chicken spread sandwich)

 Try to explain “Formal setting of a table” and “Making a chicken spread sandwich” in the same way EPL have been explained in this book for you. Ans. Formal setting of a table Material:   A table, cutlery e.g. spoons, butter knife, forks, crockery e.g. plates of two different sizes and shapes and glass, table mats, pots with food, Jug or bottle with water. Presentation: Taking the consent of the child saying, “Would you like to see how to set up the table for lunch and help me?” Bring all the material required for the exercise to table. Put the table mats around the table right beside the sitting chairs. Put plates on each table, preferably one flat plate and one deep plate. Beside the plates place a spoon, a fork and a butter knife. On the top of plates place a glass of water. On the center of table place all containers and pots containing food. Direct Aim: Preparing the child to setup a table formally.  Point of interest: To arrange things aesthetically. To help in house chores. Co o

Presenting Exercise of Practical Life (EPL)

 What are the essential points that we should keep in mind while presenting EPL? Ans.   Tell me, I will forget. Show me and I may remember Involve me and I will understand  It is very natural that children tend to learn more when they witness activities and try to mimic what they see. So while presenting EPL following general guidelines should be kept in mind: The first and most important thing is that directress should present it with correctness of the technique. For this purpose, before presenting it in front of children she should practice it as many times as possible to avoid any error later.  All the activities should be taught in simple and easy steps. Though the directress has performed the activity several times, yet while presenting it he/she should enjoy doing it. EPL should be presented in relaxed, cheerful and gentle way.  Since children can concentrate on one thing at a time therefore teacher should either talk or demonstrate practically. Better way of doing it teacher ma

Groups of exercises of practical life

Explain the different groups of exercises of practical life. How do you think this grouping is helpful? Ans. There are many types of EPL. Exercises are divided based on nature of activities, level of complexity / difficulty which decide activities appropriate for certain age group. The exercises of practical life are broadly divided into four categories. Elementary exercises Exercises of personal care Grace and courtesy exercises Care of Environment exercises Elementary exercises: Elementary exercises develop muscles and eyes coordination, improves focus and concentration and most of the activities in this group are related to daily household chores. Students will learn to be independent of their mothers or caregivers at home for simple tasks. For example, in this group students are taught to hold, carry, pour and place a jug of liquid which will make them independent to get water or juice from a jug or to serve water to someone. Elementary exercises are further divided in 3 categories

Montessori Practical life exercises

Write a comprehensive note on the importance of practical life exercises. Ans. In my opinion, practical life exercises are far more important and necessary than regular curriculum for all students in general and for preschoolers specially. Being a teacher, I have observed that students always take far more interest in activities / practical exercises rather than course books and regular educational stuff. And as a result of their keen interest in practical exercises and activities, they learn more. Students of age group 3-6 years must learn basic life skills first rather than recognizing letters, memorizing poems or coloring, which will be ultimately beneficial for them. As they will feel more confident and independent about themselves. By basic life skills I mean the daily work which makes them more and more independent of their mothers / caregivers such as fetching glass of water without much spilling, pouring beans or rice from one bowl to another so they can take food all by themse