40 ideas for Exercises of Practical Life (EPL)

Write just the names of as many EPL as possible (that you think a child can do) and which are not mentioned in the book. (Module 2: Exercises of Practical Life)

Ans. Some of the EPL I think children of age 3-6 can be trained to perform are as follows:

  1. Asking respectfully who is on the door.
  2. Unlocking and locking door.
  3. Bringing guests inside the house and asking them to sit in guest room appropriately.
  4. Holding feeder for baby brother or sister.
  5. Use of fork.
  6. Peeling skin of boiled potatoes
  7. Meshing potatoes
  8. Sorting green and dry leaves of green vegetables e.g. mint or coriander leaves, arranging them for momma to chop. E.g. spinach.
  9. Putting sugar in tea or coffee and mixing it.
  10. Taking out ice cubes from ice tray
  11. Taking out ice cubes from ice tray
  12. Making instant juices e.g. Tang / Rooh afza with proper proportion of sugar, ice and juice itself.
  13. Preparing lemonade.
  14. Preparing fresh citric fruits juice by squeezing citric fruits in citric presser.
  15. Setting the bed, tidying the bedsheet before and after sleep.
  16. Select a dress appropriately before bath.
  17. Shower independently.
  18. Wear the clothes independently.
  19. Pack own bag before any trip e.g. water bottle, snack items, any toy etc.
  20. Plug and unplug Electric appliances safely.
  21. Turn ON/OFF lights and fan when used or not in use.
  22. Arrange and clean their room.
  23. Arrange shoes and clothes in closet
  24. Tell time estimate e.g. day, night, evening etc.
  25. Read clock roughly e.g. 2’o clock etc.
  26. Check calendar to tell current date.
  27. Set alarm clock. 
  28. Learn how to call relatives in case of emergency.
  29. Learn how to attend phone calls properly.
  30. Ask for help politely, saying please etc.
  31. When mistaken apologize properly, saying sorry etc. 
  32. Refusing politely, when in no mood, instead of being rude.
  33. Do not take things from strangers.
  34. Do not follow strangers.
  35. Make a paper fan and use it in case of power outage.
  36. Sprinkle right amount of salt and pepper on eggs or fries.
  37. Cross the road. (of course, not very busy one)
  38. Buy things from a store very nearby.
  39. Identify and manage their pocket money.
  40. Brush his/her hairs properly.


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