
Showing posts with the label biography

Biographical note on Dr. Maria Montessori

  Write a biographical note on Dr. Maria Montessori in your own words. Maria Montessori was an Italian physician who became a world-famous educator in the field of early childhood education because of her outstanding work in bringing reforms in teaching. Early Life and education She was born in an Italian middle-class family on August 31, 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father served in military and civil services. Though her birthplace is Chiaravalle is a small commune in the Province of Ancona ; because of her father’s job nature, Maria got exposure to the education system in big cities. Her father was a conservative European man, it was mostly because of her mother’s unwavering support that she pursued a field of education that was considered male appropriate at that time. Being the only female student of the medical class, she was asked to perform labs alone as the presence of a naked body was considered culturally inappropriate. But all this social and cultural pressure couldn’t