
Showing posts with the label Montessori

Module 3 “Exercises of Sensorial Development”

  Q1. Write a comprehensive note on the importance of sensorial exercises. Ans: What input devices are for computers, senses are for our body or any living thing for that matter. Our sense organs act as a gateway to identify what goes around us and thus play a very important part in our understanding of our environment. Through our senses, we detect changes in our surrounding and responds accordingly. Children build a perception of their surroundings through these senses. Therefore, exercises that involve their senses are important for the following reasons: To sharpen senses: In early childhood, from birth to the age of 6 -7 years, as the researchers have found that children have the natural urge to explore their surroundings using their various sense organs, if the right guidance and better opportunities for sensory interaction with the surrounding are given their senses can be sharpened. From various studies, it is evident that lack of early proper experience limits the futu