EPL (Formal setting of a table), (Making a chicken spread sandwich)

 Try to explain “Formal setting of a table” and “Making a chicken spread sandwich” in the same way EPL have been explained in this book for you.


Formal setting of a table


A table, cutlery e.g. spoons, butter knife, forks, crockery e.g. plates of two different sizes and shapes and glass, table mats, pots with food, Jug or bottle with water.


  • Taking the consent of the child saying, “Would you like to see how to set up the table for lunch and help me?”
  • Bring all the material required for the exercise to table.
  • Put the table mats around the table right beside the sitting chairs.
  • Put plates on each table, preferably one flat plate and one deep plate.
  • Beside the plates place a spoon, a fork and a butter knife.
  • On the top of plates place a glass of water.
  • On the center of table place all containers and pots containing food.

Direct Aim:

Preparing the child to setup a table formally. 

Point of interest:

  • To arrange things aesthetically.
  • To help in house chores.
  • Co ordination and balance of things when arranging stuff.

Age group:  

5 to 6 years old.

Exercise 2

Making a chicken spread sandwich


A loaf of bread, butter knife, packet/bottle of chicken spread and plates. (any other dressing of child choice can be added to the sandwich e.g. cucumber, cheese, olives etc.)


  • Taking the consent of the child saying, “Would you like to see how to set up the table for lunch and help me?”
  • Bring the required things to the workstation with the help of student.
  • Place a piece of bread on plate.
  • In case of bottle, take chicken spread with the help of knife and spread it evenly on bread piece. In case of pouch packing squeeze out some spread on bread piece and spread evenly.
  • Ask student if he would like to add any dressing of his/her liking to the sandwich).
  • Cover this piece of bread with another piece. 
  • After the sandwich is being served, put the things back in their place.

Direct Aim:

Preparing the child to make sandwich for themselves and independent to feed. 

Point of interest:

To be independent.

To help in house chores.

Co ordination and balance of things when arranging stuff.

Age group:  

4 to 6 years old.


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