Presenting Exercise of Practical Life (EPL)

 What are the essential points that we should keep in mind while presenting EPL?


  Tell me, I will forget.

Show me and I may remember

Involve me and I will understand

 It is very natural that children tend to learn more when they witness activities and try to mimic what they see. So while presenting EPL following general guidelines should be kept in mind:

  • The first and most important thing is that directress should present it with correctness of the technique. For this purpose, before presenting it in front of children she should practice it as many times as possible to avoid any error later. 
  • All the activities should be taught in simple and easy steps.
  • Though the directress has performed the activity several times, yet while presenting it he/she should enjoy doing it. EPL should be presented in relaxed, cheerful and gentle way. 
  • Since children can concentrate on one thing at a time therefore teacher should either talk or demonstrate practically. Better way of doing it teacher may explain first in simple words eloquently and then start demonstrating EPL in fun, easy and simple steps.
  • As children’s attention span is much lesser than adults, EPL should be brief. Long demonstration may cause child’s heedlessness. 
  • Cleaning any mess should be encouraged cheerfully and inculcate the following rule in children “There is a place for everything, and everything has a place.” After the exercise is done, put the material back from where it belongs. The activities which are no longer used should be put away.
  • If there are any things involved that can be dangerous in any way, students should be taught safe handling of that before handing over the material.
  • Things should be kept to basic minimum requirement as many things cause confusion.
  • If the activity involves things that can cause mess, for example spilling of liquid etc. wear aprons.
  • Activity should be presented on student’s eye level so they can easily see what is going on.
  • Always appreciate child for even the smallest amount of contribution and performance. If they make mistake don’t interrupt them in middle but correct them once they are done.

There are two kind of presentations:

  1. Individual Presentation
  2. Group Presentation

Individual Presentation:

        Activities that should be performed individually should be taught individually. Following are the essential points that should be kept in mind while presenting individual exercise.

To make them feel important, take the consent of the child before starting presentation.

Take the material to the workplace with the help of the child.

Material must be placed at eye level of the child.

Follow the rule: A thing for a place and a place for a thing.”

All the material must be ready before demonstration so that there will be no interruption during presentation.

Explain about the material before presenting the activity, read the instructions aloud, if any written on its box, explain the safe handling of material.

Activity should be presented with economy of words and economy of movement doing one at a time. This will allow student to understand better and fully.

Once done with demonstration, invite the child to do it on their own. Let them do as many times as they want. If they make any mistake, od not interrupt in middle but once they are done then only repeat the activity for them while encouraging them to perform better next time.

The material must be placed back with the help of child.

Group presentation:

Though individual presentation are better as one can give required full attention but sometimes group presentation can be carried out. The same rules applied to group presentation as mentioned above but there are few other essential points to keep in mind which are as follows:

Present the activity if and only if all the children in the group are ready to do the activity. This can be judged by whether all of them listening and obeying, if any of them would disturb abort the activity.

Each child should be given separate material to perform individually.


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